Our November update is out! Read all about our Winter Warming hours, The Open Door Project, our Winter Wish List and current volunteer and employment opportunities.
Click here to read!
Our November update is out! Read all about our Winter Warming hours, The Open Door Project, our Winter Wish List and current volunteer and employment opportunities.
Click here to read!
The Edmonton Journal recently published an article all about our Wednesday night Dinner Club. Check it out! Click here to read, and if you happen to like food, come hang out with us and help us make dinner on Wednesday evenings!
There is a new program coming to The Neighbour Centre this fall. The Open Door Project offers former prison inmates the opportunity to be part of a transformative community. Learn more about it here, go to the Open Door Project blog and like us on Facebook.
We need your vote for our submission to The Field Law Community Fund. Go to Music: The Power to Transform to read more about our submission. And spread the word for and wide among your family and friends.
Dear Friends,
My name is Kris Knutson and I’m the Executive Director of the Neighbour Centre, a drop-in resource centre. As the only organization of its kind on the south side of the river, we work with neighbours experiencing poverty and homelessness.
Despite our country’s great wealth, many people are living paycheque to paycheque, struggling to find financial security. Would you agree that, in a great province like Alberta, that’s not a burden any person should have to bear?
You can be the difference between someone living on the streets tomorrow or receiving the support they need today! Any amount you give will help provide valuable resources to neighbours who are working towards health and independence… Please give and help a neighbour in need.
You see, there are many people we serve, like Chris. Chris was once a labourer working on Alberta’s many construction projects. He was hit by a car and spent over a year recovering from the accident. He was simply physically unable to work.
He went through many surgeries and medical appointments. And the whole time he had his mother by his side. Without her, Chris doesn’t believe he would have recuperated as well as he did. But this isn’t where his misfortune ended.
Not long after his accident, Chris’ mother was brutally murdered in her home during a robbery. This left Chris without any support network. The emotional turmoil from this incident, paired with his physical limitations to work, led him to homelessness.
Because of donor support, the Neighbour Centre was able to provide a place of safety, support and resources that led him to a home of his own.
Your gift will help provide services such as showers, food, and laundry to the people we serve – averaging nearly 600 visits per month. Can you imagine not having access to such every day necessities? I’m sure you understand how important these things are to one’s health and dignity.
You will also help to support ongoing programs, such as medical and dental care, advocacy and support groups and employment assistance.
We could help many more people with your support. Will you send a gift today to help someone like Chris have access to the basic human needs everyone deserves? Any amount you can give will make such a difference in someone’s life immediately.
Chris is now doing much better thanks to the support of people like you. He credits the Neighbour Centre with helping him find health, a home and hope for his future. Your support today can make such a difference tomorrow. Please be a good neighbour, please give.
Kris Knutson, Executive Director
P.S. The only difference between homelessness and hopelessness is one letter… one act of kindness, one gift can make all the difference to a neighbour in need. Thank you!
On Sunday night, December 15th from 5-11 pm, participants in the illuminite 2013 campaign will shine a light on poverty. The Edmonton Moravian Church initiated illuminati 2013 as both a fundraising initiative and as an expression of hope and support of those in our community experiencing poverty and homelessness. You can read more about it in The Edmonton Journal. (When you go to this link, be sure to check out the great photos they have associated with the story and you'll see some of our neighbours and Kris, our Executive Director.)
Thank you to the Edmonton Moravian Church for providing this opportunity to stand in solidarity with all of our neighbours.
It's going to be a busy weekend for The Neighbour Centre. On Friday evening and Saturday #JusticeYEG will be happening. And then on Sunday evening, The Neighbour Centre will have a display at Defend Dignity's Edmonton Forum. For more information on both of these excellent events, click on the links in this post or go to the Events tab.
When the snow finally melts, nothing renews our winter-weary spirits and brightens the landscape like spring flowers. The Neighbour Centre is blooming! We also have 3 empty hanging planters and bedding plants in their little pots. We just need a volunteer (or volunteers) to fill the empty hanging planters. If this is a project for you or someone you know, call Evan at (780) 439-5216.
Spring Renewal in Progress
Beginning May 1st the drop in hours at The Neighbour Centre have changed. We are now open on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. We are closed on Sundays.
Volunteers are needed to provide friendship and support to our neighbours in need. Please consider becoming a part of the work of The Neighbour Centre.
The Neighbour Centre is supported by our community. We receive donations and financial support from individuals, businesses, government, churches and other grant and funding organizations such as Rotary Clubs. Here are two of many who have made donations this year.
Thank you to our friends at Calvary Community Church who who raised $5133 for the purchase of a washer and dryer for the Neighbour Centre. Representatives from Calvary Community Church are pictured here presenting the cheque to Pam and Kris.
Pictured below is MLA, Naresh Bhardwaj (left) presenting a cheque from the Community Facilities Enhancement Program of the Alberta Government. Receiving the cheque for The Neighbour Centre is Kris, Steve and Pam. Thank you to the Government of Alberta.
We are grateful for all who support The Neighbour Centre and the work of the Edmonton Do Likewise Society. A list of the churches, business and organizations that support us can be found under the "Get Involved" tab on this website. Thank you to all of our supporters, from individuals to large groups, for being such amazing neighbours and partners!